Mindless Mumbai is a Photo Blog from Mumbai, India by Kunal Bhatia. Art Architecture Food Street Urban Festivals Travel People Portraits Signs Photojournalism Candid

eastern waterfront

mumbai eastern waterfront industries

the area in the vicinity of the sewri fort is an industrial zone, along with a lot of docks and shipping activity. our site for designing a high-rise building for fire-fighting and hvac is located in this area of mumbai, popularly known as the eastern waterfront. this photograph is of one such industrial factory.
unlike its glamorous western waterfront counterpart, the city's eastern waterfront is a comparatively neglected stretch of land, that has witnessed little development over the years. its only in very recent times that there has been an interest in this strip, for its high reality potential.
in fact, a part of this waterfront also has salt-pans that hold the sea-water in checked-ponds and extract salt from the evaporating water. don't know how many other metropolises across the world are home to salt-pans?
see a note on CRIT's report of the same, here
photo clicked at sewri, near the sewri fort
oh, and, mindless mumbai crossed its 2500 visitors mark today. thanks everyone!

3 reactions:

quintarantino said...

Well, here´s the proof that even in industrial areas one can find some beauty!
Nice information also.
... secrets ...

Kala said...

looks great with the large pics! I love the addition of the chat on the side!

Kunal Bhatia said...

@ quintarantino: yes, industrial areas have their own sense of beauty. i guess everything can be beautiful, just pre-defined notions limit out judgement

@ kala: thanks, i love the larger sized pix too

rant/rave, sing/weep, clap/whack:

Mindless Mumbai - A Photo Blog from Mumbai India by Kunal Bhatia
Mindless Mumbai - A Photo Blog from Mumbai India by Kunal Bhatia
mindless mumbai