Mindless Mumbai is a Photo Blog from Mumbai, India by Kunal Bhatia. Art Architecture Food Street Urban Festivals Travel People Portraits Signs Photojournalism Candid

koli dance

childres dressed up as kolis in mumbai by kunal bhatia

these kids were reharsing yesterday in the college's auditorium. they had their finale today.. all of them are dressed up as kolis, the fishing community that originally inhabited mumbai.

7 reactions:

Anonymous said...

Most amazing the mixture of colors.

monsoon dreams said...

so cute!

Kim said...

Oh, they look so beautiful dressed in these bright colors. I like the artful composition of your shot, too.
Seattle Daily Photo

 gmirage said...

I love those national costumes, I have 2 pairs here =D hihi.

Ann (MobayDP) said...

Adorable! Every single one of them.
The flowers in that little girl's hair (the one bending down) are so pretty.
I hope their performance went well.

J.C. said...

The colours are so vibrant. And the children looks so adorable and serious of their roles!

J.C. of Subang Jaya Daily Photo

indicaspecies said...

What colors!
Great capture.

rant/rave, sing/weep, clap/whack:

Mindless Mumbai - A Photo Blog from Mumbai India by Kunal Bhatia
mindless mumbai
Mindless Mumbai - A Photo Blog from Mumbai India by Kunal Bhatia