Mindless Mumbai is a Photo Blog from Mumbai, India by Kunal Bhatia. Art Architecture Food Street Urban Festivals Travel People Portraits Signs Photojournalism Candid

there's no place like home

Cab drivers in Mumbai asleep in their cabs parked on the street. Photo blog from Mumbai by Kunal Bhatia

cab drivers asleep in and on their cabs.

5 reactions:

Gunn said...

Not the same in my city!:)
Interesting shot. I hope he remember where he put his money.

Unknown said...

Fantastic capture! Your photos are just great!

Boom Nisanart said...

Great photo ! nice capture !

commercial photographers singapore said...


Kunal Bhatia said...

@ Gunn: It's very common here :)

@ JM, Nisanart, singapore photographer: Thanks :)

rant/rave, sing/weep, clap/whack:

mindless mumbai
Mindless Mumbai - A Photo Blog from Mumbai India by Kunal Bhatia
mindless mumbai