Mindless Mumbai is a Photo Blog from Mumbai, India by Kunal Bhatia. Art Architecture Food Street Urban Festivals Travel People Portraits Signs Photojournalism Candid

zooming up

construction workers in mumbai

a lot of discussions about redevelopment today. most of the issues it seems are sorted out
i like the way the colours have come out in this photo. this building is right next to mine, and i've been clicking it very often. many of the snaps of construction workers are from here
note to self: where do you get the cheapest dish-washer?

11 reactions:

 gmirage said...

The light coming from below the structure gave it a good appeal. Hope its not too noisy when they work. Great shot! =)

Andrea said...

Nice color. You will have to show us different phases as they build and then the final touch at the end of the finished building.

Southern Heart said...

That is a great photo...you have such a good sense of lighting in your photography.

Thanks for your comment on my Theme Day post. Believe it or not,I'm not a *huge* Elvis fan myself, although I appreciate his vast appeal with others...but that will be our secret (they might kick me out of the city or something)... :)

monsoon dreams said...

hi kunal,
ya,the lighting is excellent.

Ben Nakagawa said...

Thanks for comment on Tim's work. It's entirely wood. Well it was hung by the stainless steel wire, so that part is metal.
The surface is dyed and using a fins sand paper to take some part of dye off and do some more magic work to bring the texture. It's a find work, I reckon.

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

Cool construction site, very nicely captured, cool light.

Joy said...

I agree! Love the reds, the greens, the blues.

Thanks for visiting Norwich Daily Photo and your kind comments. Have a wonderful week ahead. Drop by again!

A Pinay In England
Your Love Coach

monsoon dreams said...

sorry,i couldnt find out how to change the size of snaps in blog.have a nice day!

Petrea Burchard said...

Great color and light. Like g_mirage, I thought of the noise!

J.C. said...

Construction! Construction! We have this in our city too...from building shoplots to flyover 3 tiers highway!!

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rant/rave, sing/weep, clap/whack:

mindless mumbai
Mindless Mumbai - A Photo Blog from Mumbai India by Kunal Bhatia
Mindless Mumbai - A Photo Blog from Mumbai India by Kunal Bhatia