Mindless Mumbai is a Photo Blog from Mumbai, India by Kunal Bhatia. Art Architecture Food Street Urban Festivals Travel People Portraits Signs Photojournalism Candid

back to work

construction workers in mumbai, party over back to work

it was back to college today, after a good 10 days of christmas holidays. having not met anyone from college during the break, it felt good to be back to be in the 4th yr studio and to catchup with people. during any working college day, we're not used to staying away from each other, or from college for that matter for more than 12 hours on any day. today in spite of being the first working day, it was no exception. left college at 9:30pm and i've got to be back by 8:00am tomorrow. love my life, don't i?

these construction workers however don't get any new year offs. work progressed on site on 31st and 1st.
photo clicked at yari road, versova

10 reactions:

quintarantino said...

Hi... came here on purpose just to say thank´s for your visit. Maybe you have a point about putting some lines on each photo.
By the way, this is a great shot.
Coming from ...SECRETS...and if you don´t mind I will be linking you.

Lilly said...

Great picture and great, hard working womenn.
Happy New Year!

Clueless in Boston said...

Nice picture. You're right about the themes of our pictures today. It's always hard going back to work after some time off.

I feel sorry for the women in the picture not even getting the holiday off.

Good luck in your studies this semester.

Anonymous said...

it's like in bali, the women do the construction work

• Eliane • said...

Ah college... good times. Glad you find the time to share with us this slice of construction life.

I am looking at those women, a hammer in their hands, wearing flipflops, standing on a bent piece of wood just a few centimeters away from the void and I have a knot in my stomach.

alice said...

This shot is fascinating...but I thing all your country is. I wish I could spend some time in. One day, one day! My neighbour comes from Madras, like members of a little Indian community in my town of Brittany. Thank you for visiting ArradonDP and all the best for your studies!

Ioanna said...

Working women! The go to this hard work wearing these wonderful cloths! Amazing picture!

yournotalone said...

why women are building houses???

Mary Stebbins Taitt said...

WOW! I never saw women in Saris working! How interesting!

Kunal Bhatia said...

@ quintarantino: thanks

@ lilly: thanks and yes, they are very hard working. happy new year to you too

@ clueless in boston: thanks for the wishes :)

@ alaya: i guess women are involved in constrcution work in many south asian countries

@ eliane: these womes are pros in the field. they move from one constrcution site to another, much like urban-nomads

@ alice: thanks!!!

@ ionaa: the cloth that they are wearing in called a 'sari' thats the primary women's clothing in most parts of the country.

@ aigars bruveils: these women and their families are employed in the construction of mulit-storeyed buildings. the women help in some of the tasks

@ mary stebbins taitt: as i said, the sari is the staple dress; and every activity is carried out whilst wearing it

rant/rave, sing/weep, clap/whack:

mindless mumbai
Mindless Mumbai - A Photo Blog from Mumbai India by Kunal Bhatia
mindless mumbai